Should be but not in Japan where cuteness comes beforehand xD
Food becomes something optional (if it is not cute, because it changes everything!).
So yesterday was my first trip. Yokohama. Biggest after Tokyo. Generally speaking big and I do not repeat it without the reason. I was touched by its bigness. By Japan's bigness. I almost forgot the Japan grandeur. Its power of losing yourself in it. I do love big cities. I love strolling in them alone for hours. Forgetting about the simply fact of my own existence. There is no better way to relax. As an introvert I need to recharge alone but strolling in big cities works similarly as even though there are a lot of people you do need interaction with them. You are one among millions. They are just background and in case of Japan a very nice background: stylish and also simply friendly, helpful. Nothing bothers you except too big bags if you bought to much lol xD
And I bought too much as always xD But well it was first time so I will forgive myself. I will not post pictures of next shopping (or rarely) as Insta is for spam but this is the first time so here are my babies <3
New dress IW <3
Meta Bag
Two axes femme blouses.
Axes femme is cheap but imagine used axes femme.
Funny cheap like 300/ 500 yens for a blouse!
And more.
Normally you probably do not need it but in Japan
cuteness is like oxygen or something.
What Am I?
Philosophy bear chan xD
To keep stuff.
Letter sets to write letters to my beloved friend
who does not use e-mail.
Pieces of a dream.
Things for a diary.
Some random daily stuff.
But cute
I wish every day is very fulfilling for you- said the prince.
Yes- answered the princess. It is fulfilling. Because I am where I should be.
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